an insightful, powerful and practical approach to leadership and team dynamics
Do you feel your leaders are just surviving in the constantly adapting pressures of their immediate environment? Does your organisation crave stable, present and compassionate leadership?
Astutely specialise in developing financially, commercially and emotionally astute leaders who can bring about a tangible impact within their organisations.
Through a combination of group training programmes, individual coaching and bespoke online learning, we deepen our clients’ emotional intelligence, build their financial literacy and give them the skills to communicate more effectively and build stronger teams.
Self-awareness is critical to becoming an effective leader
According to Harvard Business School, self-awareness accounts for nearly 90% of what sets high performers apart from peers with similar technical skills and knowledge. You can be supremely intelligent, technically proficient and come up with lots of ideas, but if your self-awareness is low you cannot be a great leader.
At Astutely we use the Insights Discovery Profiling Methodology to raise self-awareness in individuals and also to improve team dynamics and communication.
“This was the best and most useful training that I received in my 27 years at Honda - brilliant insights. And the most enjoyable!”
the power of insights discovery
The rigour of its methodology and its intuitive nature make Insights Discovery the gold standard of all personality profiling instruments used in business. Using colour to describe each team member’s unique personal style, strengths and value to the team brings Carl Jung’s psychology to life: everyone’s unique mix of Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue energies provides a helpful guide for how people are likely to respond to each other.
As the model is based on observable behaviours it enables us to identify these preferences and adapt our behaviour to maximise our influence when leading others.
Before the workshop each team member will fill out an online evaluator which will generate an Insights Discovery Personal Profile.
At the workshop delegates learn about the four colour energies, their personal preferences for each energy, and how the model is built up. They then receive their report which gives them detailed information about how they operate in the workplace, their strengths and weaknesses, any potential blind spots, how to communicate with their opposite type (often their source of most work conflict), and their managerial preferences.
We will also explore how to identify others’ colour energy preferences and their preferred ways of communication and interaction.
at an individual level
Self-awareness is critical to success in business and life.
Self-awareness means that you understand your natural strengths and weaknesses, and even more importantly, are aware of the impact they have on you and your team’s performance.
Self-knowledge is a fundamental emotional intelligence. However, according to research carried out by organisational psychologist, Tasha Eurich, 95% of people think they are self-aware but only 10-15% actually are.
Her research also concludes that working with colleagues who lack self-awareness increases people’s stress, lowers their motivation and cuts a team’s likelihood of success in half. All the more reason to ensure your leaders are self-aware!
at an organisational level
Once the Insights methodology is embedded into an organisation’s culture then teamwork becomes much easier as there is a common language around communication that everyone understands.
Style preferences, conflict styles, resilience, stress points, team dynamics can then all be explored rationally using this common language and understanding with the obvious benefit in team effectiveness and enhanced trust.
What People Are Saying
“ Very useful, interesting and enlightening. Excellent delivery - light-hearted and intuitive. Want to explore further now!”
— Manager, Hayfield Homes
“Very eye-opening, and it has changed my way of perceiving others/being more self-aware. Sarah was great: enthusiastic, warm, knowledgeable and engaging.”
— Senior Manager, DANONE
“A brilliant day… extremely eye-opening and gave me the opportunity to truly evaluate the perceptions I have of myself and how I interact with others!”
— Senior Manager, Honda UK
Find out more.
Contact us here to find out more about Insights Discovery workshops and how they can help your organisation.